For Excellence in the Performance of Airport Snow & Ice Control
Once again the INTERNATIONAL AVIATION SNOW SYMPOSIUM will sponsor the BALCHEN/POST Award for excellence in the performance of airport snow and ice control during the winter of 2021-2022.
The awards will be presented to the personnel of the airport snow and ice control teams who have throughout this past winter demonstrated determination for excellence in their efforts to keep their airports open and safe.
There will be six awards - one to each of the winners in the following categories:
COMMERCIAL AIRPORT Providing scheduled service and holding a Part 139 certificate (not including a limited Part 139 certificate)
- Large: Over 200,000 scheduled operations annually
- Medium: 100,000-200,000 scheduled operations annually
- Small: Less than 100,000 scheduled operations annually
GENERAL AVIATION AIRPORT Including limited Part 139 certificate airports
- Large: 50,000 or more total operations annually
- Small: Less than 50,000 operations annually
(The above airport classifications are for award selection purposes only)
Your assistance in helping select potential candidates worthy of consideration is requested. A completed application for your airport should be submitted to the committee at the address below and postmarked no later than March 30, 2022. Airports are encouraged to submit completed applications including their snow plan, airport layout plan and other supporting material before the deadline.
The awards - six in total - are to be announced and presented at our conference in Buffalo April 29 - May 4, 2022.
Please complete the online application no later than March 30, 2022. The online application information is at https://www.necaaae.org/awards.
For a list of past award recipients or if you need any additional information, visit the NEC/AAAE Website or contact: